Dirty ToES by Keven Bartle at PedagooLondon
"How to enhance the impact of your marking by combining a Taxonomy of Errors (a strategy by which I unpick common mistakes made by students at different achievement levels) and DIRT activities (Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time)."In this session I will walk you through my developing thinking with regard to DIRTy ToEs activities and show you student work that (hopefully) shows the impact of the technique upon students’ writing.
If all goes well, I may even get you to do some activities related to your own classrooms!!"
This session was quite thought-provoking as it began by getting us to reflect on our own marking:
This was quite a useful exercise and definitely something that I need to explore in more detail over time. Currently I spend too much time making resources, planning, and marking, and something needs to change! If there is a way to make marking more effective and efficient then I'm all for it.
I was interested by the idea of creating a low/mid/high taxonomy of errors and having students analyse their own work to see which ToE their work fits into. This self-directed learning task would encourage self-reflection and hopefully closer attention to detail. It would also be helpful for me to categorise errors in this way as then I could generate different entry points into the lesson and have three different levels of differentiation in the improvement tasks.
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